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  • Naked Portraits Pt. 16

Naked Portraits Pt. 16


Author's notes:

Hello Literotica reader. Again, sorry for the long gaps between stories. In the last installment I wrote you from the island of Maui. I'm still here. I can't bring myself to return to northern Virginia just yet. I have a lot of unused vacation time and I'm cashing it all in. My friend with the farmhouse in Haiku says I can stay as long as I like. At the archeological dig in Wailuku Heights I official met my first real person from my story. It was Stephanie Santos (not her real name of course) the security guard slash erotic writer. She was as beautiful and abrasive as described. She shooed my friend and I away saying that we had to get permission from Honolulu University to see the sight. Surprisingly, she slipped me her phone number even as she was throwing us out. My friend laughed at me saying that a tita like Stephanie will swallow me whole and spit out the bones. She was easy to look at so I could think of worst things. I got myself invited to a party at a local doctor's place up the street from the farm house. At first I turned down the invitation but when my friend told me that one of Gwen's paintings is hanging in the guys living room I had to go see. I called up Stephanie and she agreed to go to the party with me. I'll tell you how that worked out in the next installment. In the mean time enjoy the story.


Chapter 66 Animated

I looked at the address on the piece of paper to make sure I was in the right place. it said Oano St.in Kaimuki near the base of Diamond Head Crater. The house, the street, the whole neighborhood looked so ordinary. Porn movie auditions are held in old warehouses or cheap motels and not in idyllic middle class neighborhoods. I must have the wrong place. A little unnerved, I turned around and headed back to the bus stop a couple of blocks away. Then I heard my former best friend Betty making chicken noises in my head. I stopped, did an about face and stepped onto the path of the well-tended Oano St, Kaimuki. Before hitting the doorbell I took a quick inventory of my appearance. I wore a simple sexy dark green satin dress that Betty helped me pick out a couple of years ago. It was annoying the way all of my good clothes had Betty's stamp on them. The dress came up to well above mid thigh and clung at the waist. It made my ass look great compensating for my lack of tit action. Under the dress I wore sexy black undies worthy of an underwear ad ... according to Hawk anyway.

Speaking of Hawk, he Aly and Matt —especially Matt— had no idea I was here. Meka assured me that the director making this short movie was a stand up guy and very professional. Putting total trust in Meka's judgment, I came alone.

I pulled out my compact mirror and deemed my makeup impeccable. The only imperfection was my feet. Walking a block and a half in the stylish shoes —another article of clothing Betty helped me pick out— made my feet ache but at least it wasn't a visual defect.

Now or never. I took a deep breath and hit the doorbell.

Forever later, a very pretty mixed blood Hawaiian girl answered the door. This I hadn't expected. She looked to be in her early twenties, petite, four and half feet tall at best. Her hair was short and boyish, she wore gym shorts and a snug workout top showing off her tight, athletic figure.

"You're here for the movie thing right?" the girl asked in a sweet singsong voice.

"Um, I guess," I said brilliantly.

"Leonardo! That girl's here!" I cringed for she yelled in that way only a local girl could. She was no tita like Stephanie Santos but clearly had her rough edges.

A guy of Asian mix with silver wire rim glasses and short messy hair came to the door. He was handsome in a geeky way. To enhance his geekiness, he wore a Geek Squad t-shirt. He was just a bit taller then the girl that answered the door.

"You're Gwen right? I'm Leo," he said. "This is Tessa my wife. Meka told me all about you. Let's go to my studio and talk there."

Since this was a locals household, I slipped my shoes off before entering and sighed with relief. I followed the pair through a nice living room with a solid wood floor, the walls covered with prints of popular local artist, then down a hall to a door that opened into to a room larger then the living room. A skylight overhead flooded the place with warm natural light. Several computers lined the walls, odd looking large bits of equipment filled the center of the room. Pinned in neat rows on one wall were drawings of naked men and women doing various things from simply walking, to kissing, to out and out fucking. The drawings were well done and I assumed that Leo had done them.

"Welcome to the lion's lair," Leo said.

"He calls it that because of his name," Tessa said obviously bored with the old joke.

Leo motioned for me to sit on a comfy sofa near a window, he and Tessa sat in padded folding chairs across from me. My heart sped up. I came mentally prepared for just about anything and wondered what I would be asked to to. Also, I wondered at what I WOULDN'T do. Last night I watched a bunch of porn about women going to interviews. I was ready to get naked but not so sure about doing anything beyond that.

Then don't do this, a part of my brain said sounding a heck of a lot like Aly.

"The gig pays two thousand five hundred is cash okay?" Leo said snapping my head back to the moment.

Tessa handed me a thick envelope. I blinked in confusion as I took it.

Leo continued, "My movie is animated and your face and figure fits one of the characters perfectly. In fact you come highly recommended."

"Animated like in cartoons?" I asked surprised and still shocked that he had just handed me an envelope full of money and I hadn't flashed an inch of skin.

"Come see," he said and led me to a flat screen TV that dominated one wall and sat me in a comfy office chair. He tapped at the keys of a computer. On the large screen an animation version of Tessa appeared standing on a virtual beach wearing a florescent pink bikini, her short hair stirred from a pretend breeze.

"I hate that color," Tessa said. Leo sighed and tapped at the keys, the bikini turned black with enticing red strips. "Better," she said.

Leo hit some more keys and animated Tessa walked toward the camera then passed it. The camera followed her as she walked down the beach to the water's edge. The scene froze as she bent to touch the water with her right hand, her animated ass well displayed.

"The animation is great and it does you justice," I said to Tessa appreciating her fine animated ass.

"As long as I'm not wearing hot pink," she said.

I laughed. "Its so real and fluid. Very convincing."

It was Leonardo's turn to laugh then he said, "My first few attempts were TOO real. I had to pull it back to make everything look animated. My clients didn't like their virtual reality too real I guess."

"You film with a camera then animate later?" I asked thinking of people running around with glowing reference dots all over their bodies.

"Nothing that crude," Leo said. He walked over to the big white boxy thing that took up the middle of the space. It was about three feet deep, six high and just as wide. "Meet the imprint chamber," He said, I designed it for making video games. A company called Imperial got wind of my invention and started throwing money at me."

"People make love in that box and they become instantly animated?" I asked thinking that there was barely enough room to stand in the thing let alone make out.

"Don't even have to do that. All I need is a likeness," Leo said proudly.

"This thing is like a giant 3D scanner," Tessa said. You step in and it records you from just about every angle."

Leo nodded. "The people part is easy, the hard part is the backgrounds and environments. That I have to do the old fashion way. But everything that the human body can do is programmed into the software. Wanna see Tessa do the Macarena?"

I laughed and nodded. A few seconds later I watched animated bikini Tessa doing the the silly dance to the song that made the dance famous."

"Very dignified," Tessa said to her husband.

"Anyway," Leo said, "To earn your two and a half grand all you gotta do is step in the chamber and let it scan you."

"Not that I don't want this money, but couldn't you have used a substitute body and constructed my face from a couple of photos?" I pointed at the skilful drawings on the walls. "Who ever did those could have easily recreated my face no trouble."

"Those are mine," Tessa said with pride.

"Your right. I could do that," Leo said. "But my clients don't know that. They think what I do is really heard."

I laughed. "In the fine arts we call that the artist's mystic. We artists do our best to make art making look hard and mysterious to separate us from the masses."

Leo smiled. "Like I said what the client don't know—"

"—will cost them a plenty of money," Tessa finished for her husband.

"Your secret's safe with me," I assured them as I secured the envelope of money in my purse.

"I have to go downtown for a job," Leo said. He pointed both thumbs at his Geek Squad t-shirt. "Duty calls. Everything's all set. Tessa just has to press a couple of buttons. Nice to meet you Gwen," he said, shook my hand and was gone.

"He does the repair thing pro bono. He takes being a capitalist-socialist very seriously."

"I didn't know you could be both?"

"Leo makes it work," Tessa said. "He feels that if you profit from the community where you live then it is your obligation to take care of said community." Pride and affection for her husband's worldview showed on her face. She sat at a computer station and punched a few keys. The imprint box thing lit up on the inside with eerie green light. "Strip down to your undies please."

I put my bag down and pull my dress over my head and said, "I had expected a fat sweaty guy smoking a cigar coxing me to get naked calling me sweet cakes."

"Nice undies, " Tessa said and then added in an imitation of a sweaty cigar smoking fat guy, "Sweet cakes."

I laughed. "You a high-tech type too?" I asked her as she looked at her computer screen. I heard a soft hum coming from the body scanner thingy.

"Not me. I'm a yoga instructor down at the Sunset Gym. I own a portion of the Joy of Yoga," she said clacking away at the computer keys.

I eyed her fine healthy figure bent gracefully in the office chair and said, "It certainly shows. You look great. I know the owner's of the gym, Rudy and Cassie."

Tessa nodded. "Best bosses I've ever had. My partner, Joy Maeda is pretty cool too." Tessa stood facing me. "Put your feet on the blue stripe in the camber and stand like this." She demonstrating for me with her arms out wide and slightly up and legs spread apart. I stepped into the the box and struck the pose.

Bathed in the eerie green glow, I said, "I got a name for this thing if you want it. The Vitruvian Chamber."

Tessa's brow furrowed then her eyes went wide. "Oh my god that is perfect! Leonardo's Vitruvian Chamber! Why hadn't we thought of that before? I gotta text Leo about this."

"Um, shouldn't you do the scan thing first?" I said just starting to feel the weight of my arms.

"I'm a stupid head, sorry. The scan first," Tessa said. "Stay absolutely still. A slightly curved bar will descend emitting a bright blue light. An identical one will do the same behind you. Try not to blink. It all takes about thirty second."

"Would this work better if I were fully naked?" I asked.

"Maybe but it's not —"

With an insatiable need outside my control, I shucked my bra and slipped off my panties.

Tessa's eyes went wide at my sudden nudity. "Boy, is Leo gonna be disappointed he missed THIS," she said. "You look very nice."

I stepped back into the chamber and struck the pose again. She hit a key on the keypad and the process started. My eyes automatically rolled up to the descending bar. The blue light turned on and I shifted my eyes forward and managed not to blink as the thing drifted pass my face. It was probably just my imagination, but my skin felt tingly were the light passed. Then just like that, it was over.

Tessa said, "I texted Leo and he loves the name. We owe you big time he says." She busied herself at the computer as I slipped my underwear back on and then the dress feeling embarrassed and vaguely dirty at my brazen behavior and wondered what Tessa must be thinking

"Come look," Tessa said with excitement.

On her computer screen was Vitruvian Man or more accurately, Vitruvian Woman in the classic circle and out stretched multiple arms and legs. "That's cool," I said.

"If life had been different I would have been an art major," Tessa said. With a dramatic flurry she hit the space bar on the computer keys. On the computer screen, Vitruvian woman stepped out of her circle and walked through a sepia watercolor landscape.

I laughed and clapped. "This is incredible."

"It's Leo's program that makes it easy."

"You're being modest. This computer stuff is never easy to do," I said thinking of all the times I failed at Photoshop over the years.

"Wanna see something I've been personally working on for a client of Leo's?" Tessa asked.

"Is that okay?" I asked. "Meka is super uptight about sharing her client's secrets.

"This has nothing to do with those Meka Okuda's big shots." Tessa said. She got up and went to another computer in the room. As she booted the thing up she said, "This is my first solo project using Leo's program."

The theme song and the opening credits for the old sitcom 'Friends kicked in on the big flat screen TV. I figured that the TV was hooked to cable and whatever channel it was tuned to had kicked in. I waited for Tessa to do something about it, but she didn't and just watched the TV.

The theme song ended and the scene opened with the three lead females of the show sitting on the sofa in Monica's apartment prattling on, every other sentence punctuated with an inane laugh track. Tessa kept watching. What gives? Something was up. I leaned in and gave the image on the screen a closer critical look.

"Oh my god this is animated!" I shouted.

"What can I say? My husband's a genius," Tessa said proudly. "On this large screen the long shots are easier to pull off but the close ups give it away." To prove her point, a close shot of Rachael Green talking clearly showed that she was a computer generated cartoon, but still, it was very good animation.

"Amazing. You got the voices down too." I said asked ask, "Why Friends?"

She shrugged. "The client has a thing for the female cast members I guess."

No sound came from the TV as the three women had stop talking and sat quietly looking out at the real world. It kind of creeped me out. "They're not doing anything." I said.

"It's interactive, Tessa said as she stood up. "Come sit in my chair."

I got up and took her seat in front of the computer.

She said, "Hold down the space bar then tell one of the characters by name to stand."

I pressed the space bar and said, "Um ... Rachael please stand?" Rachel tilted her head but remained seated.

Tessa said, "Leave out the um and don't ask like it was a question. Make it a clear command."

I pressed the space bar and said with authority, "Rachael stand."

On the screen, animated Rachael Green said, "Okay." She stood then daintily pulled and smoothed out her red sweater and jeans.

"Monica stand," I said.

"You bet," Monica Geller said and stood with a casual push at her long dark hair. She wore a pink long sleeve shirt and a floor length dark gray skirt.

I pressed the space bar and said, "Nice outfit Monica," just to see what would happen.

Monica smiled, looked down at herself, nodded and then said, "I like the skirt."

"Wow," I said truly impressed.

"Yeah I know, pretty cool," Tessa said. "If you say something that the computer doesn't understand the characters will respond to their name but say nothing. Tell one to clean the windows."

"Rachael, clean windows," I said.

"What?" Rachael said with a wrinkled forehead. The perplexed expression was perfect for the character.

"Phoebe stand," I said.

"You da man," Phoebe Buffay said making me laugh. Phoebe wore a nice snug white blouse and a denim skirt.

"Most of the outfits the three wear are copied from episodes. It took me a long time to program them in. This is one big dress up doll game." she said.

"You getting paid well?"

"You bet."

"Rachael remove your top," I said just to see what she would do.

"Now? Here?" Rachael said.

"Yes," I automatically said not sure if it was expected.

Animated Rachael pulled her red sweater over her head and tossed it off screen somewhere. Incredibly, her hair was messed up like a real person's would be after taking off a sweater, and like a real person, she smoothed it down. Underneath the red sweater she wore a nice green lacy bra.

"All the underwear is courtesy of Victoria's Secret," Tessa said.

"How do I make them all do something together?" I asked.

"Just say all then the command."

"All undress to your underwear," I said.

"Oh my," Rachael said dubiously.

"Okay," Monica said with an edge of raunchy excitement.

"This is fun," Phoebe said sounding like she meant it.

In a flurry of activity clothing flew off the edges of the screen. "Why do they just throw the clothes like that?" I asked amused by the action.

"It turned out to be the easiest solution dealing with discarded garments," Tessa said.

The 'Friends' stars stood in just their underwear. Rachael in lacy green panties and bra, Monica in skimpy black bra and panties and Phoebe in a white one piece thing cut low with lace, her nipples visible through the material. I said, "Rachael take off your bra."

"Well, okay," Rachael Green said sounding doubtful. She reached behind her back then her green bra went flying off the edge of the screen. Her breasts weren't what I would call big but seemed perfect for her figure, her nipples small.

In response to my very thoughts Tessa said, "I speculate what they might look like naked. I think I did a good job."

I nodded then gave my next command. "Rachael kiss Monica."

"Really? I don't know about that?" Rachael said with a classic Rachael frown. She turned toward dark haired Monica and the pair engaged in a deep kiss. I covered my mouth in surprise for I hadn't expected them to follow the command.

Phoebe looked at kissing women and said, "Get a room." The line was immediately followed by a laugh track. I barked out in a laugh of my own at the unexpected interaction.

"I put in a lot of that to make it fun and sexy."

"Can you bring in Joey Tribbiani? He was always my favorite of the males."

"Sorry, girls only in this version," Tessa said then she pressed the space bar. "New female enter." Amazingly, an animated version of me dressed in jeans and a light blue clingy shirt stepped into the scene from the left. "The outfit is a standard default," Tessa said.

"Wow," I said impressed. On a whim I pressed the space bar and said, "Tessa enter," just to see what would happen.

Hey! Don't do that!" Tessa barked and made a move for the computer key board but I fended her off just as animated Tessa enter the apartment on the screen with short hair side combed in a stylish wave and dressed in a very short sexy black dress with spaghetti straps, long black boots and fish net stockings.

"Tessa...you naughty girl," I said.

Tessa covered her face and said, "The outfit is Leo's creation."

"You look good. I like it."

"This next one is one of Leo's favorites too," she said as she reached over and pressed the space bar. "New female outfit 37." The jeans and t-shirt on my animated self popped away and was replaced by an outfit only a comic book super heroine would wear, black spandex shorts down to mid thigh, a clinging red long sleeve top, gun belt and a knife strapped to the right thigh. "Leo calls that outfit Agent Shield."

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