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Gene Therapy - Dose 03



There is one thing that most people don't understand about how evolution works. They think that each new iteration is better in every way, that evolution works to perfect us. This misconception makes my abilities seem outlandish. My sperm suddenly gaining the ability to go dormant because of a few extra gene sequences seems ridiculous, right? The thing is, evolution also takes things away. Sometimes it's because it's a waste of resources, and we have to eat enough to survive. Other times, we lose something that's beneficial to us only in certain circumstances. If we had kept our ability to manufacture more of the essential amino acids, malnutrition would have been far less of an issue for the species. Most of the time, we don't actually lose the genetic code to do something, the code simply becomes dormant. Most of my changes are the result of activating genes that remain dormant in everyone else. If I had gained the ability to do something that wasn't already present in nature, I would have really been worried.

That being said, I really have no need to be believed. Just take this as an interesting story. I've worked hard to make sure that I'm not truly discovered, and over the last several years I've made quite a life for myself. I've had some interesting experiences. Some are erotic, but there have been plenty of others that were not at all pleasant. I won't blame you if you believe my story, but you don't need to try to find out about the real me. It will just be a waste of time, all for something entirely unlikely. Having a lot of in-depth knowledge and placing it in this story doesn't mean this is real, Ph.Ds like erotica too, after all. If nothing else though, I hope you gain a little extra knowledge in an amusing way with my writing. Everything scientific that I have written (or will write) about normal people, women and men, is absolutely real and easy to verify.

Log 01 - Big Man on Campus

With each passing day, my outlook on life was improving. As time passed, my fears of some unknown negative consequence from the accident lessened. Each day literally reduced the likelihood of imminent harm. I was left with my new abilities, which were rapidly changing my life for the better. It was becoming more and more apparent that I had won the "genetic lottery" with this accident. The odds were really against me, even though the samples had been successful in a lot of testing.

While the bulk of my changes were sexual, there were a few other changes that had been entirely unexpected. I had more energy than I had in years, in many ways I felt like I was in my twenties again. I looked the same, of course, but I no longer felt like the 35 year old man that I was. While the new gene sequences were limited, they were changing the expression of several others. All seven of my sirtuin genes seemed to be affected, for example, along with several others. Based on my bloodwork-kept off the record, of course-my organ function numbers were all in the normal range for someone in their early twenties. To this day I don't completely understand it. Regardless, my new vitality has been no small boon.

My changes weren't all positive, though this story focuses mostly on the good things in that department. As I mentioned before, I have the bladder capacity of a menopausal woman with five kids. I used to be stoic, but now find myself far more emotional. I tend to be irritable, and my temper is far more difficult to control. My appetite has increased significantly to keep up with my new caloric demands. While eating more can be nice, it can also be pretty inconvenient. Likewise, a healthy sex drive is fine, but mine bordered on obsessive.

Most of my hobbies fell to the wayside as they were replaced by sex-related activities. With my increased stamina, the only thing that seemed to sate me for any length of time was knocking up someone new. For obvious reasons it wasn't the best hobby, I was flirting with discovery each time, particularly because I hadn't perfected my methods yet. It was a hell of a lot of fun though, and immensely satisfying. After all, if you spend a few weeks making a cabinet, you only have a cabinet. I was creating children, and each one tickled that instinctual urge to procreate. People, in general, want to spread their genes.

Early on I realized that it could be dangerous for me if people realized what was going on. At the beginning, I was just protecting my career; later I considered what may happen to me if I was caught by the wrong people. Fortunately, I had been cautious from day one, and the only person who knew the full scope of what happened was Alice. Three other people knew there had been an accident, but they all thought it was just the loss of the samples. They had no reason to suspect that the accident actually caused an injury, or that I was injected with those samples. With Alice being completely devoted to me, I had little to fear from any direct inquiries.

In fact, everyone I interacted with at work thought highly of me. My pheromones made people like me, even if I didn't use them to influence them. Everyone I met walked away with the feeling that they had just met a great person. Every class I was scheduled to teach in the upcoming fall term was full, and I was starting to gain minor celebrity status in my department. This didn't come without certain consequences, however. People started coming to me with requests, they wanted help with a problem or wanted me as a coauthor. I had been freed from most of my work to focus on myself, the last thing I wanted was more distractions.

Aside from taking away my time to study what I wanted, it also threatened my new hobby. I seemed to be having a lot of success influencing the new mothers up to that point, and didn't fear any repercussions from them directly. They would keep quiet, and they wouldn't believe any pregnancies in the future were spontaneous. I didn't have to worry about one of them claiming to be the new Mother Mary. As for anyone else, they'd naturally assume there was a father. If someone came and told you they got pregnant without having sex, I doubt you'd think there was someone like me running around; you'd just assume it was a one-night stand or something.

While I was causing plenty of new pregnancies in the area, we're talking about a university and a university town. If I was really busy, I might prompt some extra contraception presentations in a few years. Similarly, I wasn't too concerned about men finding out that 'their' child wasn't really theirs. The false paternity rate-the rate at which a man believes he is the father of a child but isn't-is already higher than most people think. Paternity testing is still rare, and usually the result of suspicion. In cases where the father and child are tested in relation to a genetic conditions, where suspicion doesn't influence the results, the rate is between 5 and 10 percent.

In fact, in most cases the labs that discover false paternity don't reveal it to the father. In North America, the law generally requires the results be kept confidential from anyone but the mother. Unsurprisingly, I have it on good authority that most of these mothers aren't very surprised when they find out. As for the "fathers," the human mind instinctively finds resemblance to babies and children. "Oh, he has my uncle's ears," or "He loves trains, just like me," is surprisingly placating to men who find themselves the fathers of children that aren't actually theirs. And when a man has one child with a woman that is legitimately his, he is far less likely to doubt another child that isn't.

Even though I didn't have much cause to fear discovery from impregnating women, I limited my "hobby" during this time to no more than twice per week. Even though a momentary encounter with me leaves a positive impression, it doesn't keep people from potentially connecting the dots if they spot me picking up women, and later learn that those women are pregnant. Though my pheromones give me a powerful influence over people in the right circumstances, they are far less effective in crowds. Normally the brain automatically associates the detection of pheromones to the person that just showed up. In a crowd, or an area where people are pressed together, the brain never makes that connection.

Similarly, my arousal pheromones might cause the women near me in a crowd to become aroused, but they wouldn't interpret that arousal as attraction to ME. Their partners might be thankful later on, but I didn't care for the lack of control. As I began to sate my need to procreate in local taverns, I channeled Dexter from the Showtime show of the same name that had just gathered a lot of popularity. I wasn't killing people, but I didn't want want to be discovered. I avoided going to the same bar, changed up the night/s that I went out, paid in cash, and did some other things to avoid being noticed in a pattern.

While my new hobby was immensely satisfying, perhaps even more so because the precaution, it wasn't the ideal method for tests. I collected personal information whenever possible, so that I could locate the members of my breeding harem in the future. I wanted to know the results of my exploits, both for data and for my own satisfaction. Later on, it would prove useful at providing aid to the women of my harem that needed it, but right now it served little purpose.

What I really wanted to do was test my abilities in some more controlled circumstances. To make discoveries that were impossible from my bar hookups.

Log 02 - Making Bureaucracy Work For Me.

One consequence of my increased popularity on campus presented itself as an email waiting for me when I arrived at my office one Tuesday morning. It was already nine o'clock when I got around to reading it; I had been summoned by Elaine, a faculty administrator. She functions a bureaucrat, necessary but rarely popular, arranging the time and classroom used for each course in the the departments she oversaw. She even had some say over the number of times a course was taught each term.

Most professors don't want to teach a course bright and early in the morning, just like most students don't want to take them. But like so many other things in life, there are a certain number of courses that need to be taught, and only so many classrooms to teach them in. If you ever took a course in college that for some reason was taught in an obscure classroom at the back of a completely different department building, someone like Elaine was the reason. These people also have a lot of power over the quality of a professor's life, power that they rarely earned, and almost never reflected in their paycheck.

For my part, I didn't have anything against Elaine, even if she did things like summoning me to her office. It's not uncommon for people in her position to be disliked, particularly if they flaunt their unspoken power. I shot her back a quick email saying that I'd stop by her office after my class was over at eleven. My biggest worry was that she was going try and get me to teach one of my courses in more than one time slot. I only taught two courses, both 500 level, and I only needed to teach each course once. Because usually the 30-seat classes never filled up, I had never had to worry about giving up more of my day to teaching. I knew under my current agreement though, that I could be made to teach each course twice.

I had to get going to my class, which started at 930, and I put Elaine out of my mind.

. . .

After my class finished, I started my trek to Elaine's office. I knew I would be able to manipulate her, but wasn't sure if doing so would cause problems later when someone higher on the bureaucratic food chain noticed. I made it into her admin wing, and noticed that most of the occupants had already departed for lunch. I was glad that she had apparently delayed her lunch, it would have been a pain to stop what I was doing to come over here later in the day.

I knocked a couple times on the door to her office, waiting a moment before opening the door and walking in. Elaine's office was small, but had the usual accoutrements of an office worker. Among them I saw some family photos, a husband, and two young boys, probably about 4 and 7 years old. Elaine herself was probably a little older than me, based on the fact that she looked a little younger than I did. She had auburn hair that was cut in a more matronly style, long enough to be obviously feminine but not reaching her shoulders. She was on the heavier side, though not what I'd call fat. It was just a spreading of the thighs and ass, a waist and tummy that were puffy but didn't hang over anything, and a swelling bosom that wouldn't be as as firm as a younger woman, but promised a healthy size. She wasn't the young women I had become used to, but she wasn't all that much different than my ex wife. It was a sign of age, and children, more than anything.

After I had closed the door behind me, I walked the two steps it to reach her desk before saying "good morning, Elaine."

She gave me a warm smile, and I knew immediately that she'd be asking me to teach more courses. "Good morning, Dr. Zephyr. How's your day going?"

I sat down in the plain-but-functional chair positioned opposite from her at the desk. "It's been going well. Finals are next week, but I've hit upon some promising research. How about you?"

She started in on the normal pleasantries, while I gave appropriate responses to keep her talking. I knew that it likely wasn't necessary to wait longer for my pheromones to take effect, I saw the tell-tale signs starting before I had finished sitting down. I had an idea though, and was being careful to make sure my plan worked. Without drawing attention to myself, I slowly unzipped my pants. I held the fly of both my pants and boxers wide open with my thumb and forefinger while she continued to chat about the weather and her garden. I didn't pull my dick out or anything, in case I needed to close my fly quickly; I just wanted to let more pheromones escape as I developed an erection thinking about what I'd do next.

Her smalltalk was winding down, and I pointed over to one of the photos of her boys. "Your sons look pretty happy in that one... Were you ever disappointed that you didn't have a girl?"

She frowned as she spilled out her feelings on the matter. "I am... I wanted to try again after Seth was born, but Tom didn't want to have another baby. I never started taking birth control again, but he's been so careful about using condoms. He even wants me to use a diaphragm every time, just in case."

She had started to develop a slight flush, making it obvious that my pheromones were having an effect as she changed the subject. "Anyways, David... Can I call you David? I don't want to take up more of your time... I wanted to talk to you about teaching another session of one of your classes."

She was shifting in her seat now, rubbing her thighs together. "Everyone in your department knows you're great at teaching, and it seems that knowledge has made it's way to the students... There's a sizable waiting list for your Monday-Wednesday-Friday course."

It was time to start making my play. "Elaine, you know I enjoy teaching, but I really am in the middle of an important project for the department... Bob won't be happy if the timeline slips, and I'm already staying late."

She was staring at me now, and there was a noticeable pause before she realized I was waiting for her to speak. "Well, there are 25 names on the waiting list that are eligible, so it'd only take one more class... Someone upstairs is going to notice eventually if the waiting list is that big but we don't teach the course." It was obvious she was conflicted. She didn't want to disappoint me, but couldn't think of how to do it without getting in trouble later on.

Her hands had been hidden under her desk for a while, and I knew she was ready. "Look Elaine, you know I like you." I was interrupted by a happy "eep!" that escaped from her mouth. "So you know that I don't want to make things hard for you..."

Her face took on a look of resolve-clouded by her arousal-as she decided that she'd do what I wanted and could figure out what to do about it later. "Well, you're right..."

I cut her off before she could continue her train of thought. "I think I have an idea, a way that I can help you solve both your problems, while letting me keep the time I need."

She nodded her head emphatically, giving her assent before she even knew what my idea was.

I gave her a conspiratorial smile. "How about you bump a larger classroom, say 50 or 60 seats, and let me use that for the course. The waiting list will be taken care of, and I can save the time for my work. If you can do that, I'll use my dick right now to put that daughter you want into your womb for you."

I stood up for effect, helping my cock out of my pants along the way so that it was standing up proudly between us. "It seems almost everyone else has gone to lunch already, so it should be fine if you eat this for lunch instead."

She jumped up, surprising me and causing a moment of worry. I had just whipped my dick out in front of a 30-something year-old married administrator, after all. My doubt vanished almost right away, however, as I saw that part of her skirt had gotten caught in her panties. It seems her hands were busy during the time I couldn't see them.

"You really are a genius!" (The idea to bump another professor's class was in no way a stroke of genius.) Her earlier worry had melted away, and she was smiling broadly. "You know that I'd bump a class for you without you having to pay me back or anything..." Her eyes had drifted downward and were now locked on the object of her desire. "I can't ask you to go so far... Are you really okay with giving me a daughter?"

I smiled back at her, though it was for a different reason. She wasn't looking at my face, so she didn't notice anyway. "Elaine, that's what friends are for. The class schedule is trivial, it doesn't compare to your need to have a baby daughter! What sort of person would I be if I just walked out of here without helping you get pregnant?" I think I did a pretty good job acting there, though to be honest it probably didn't matter.

She finally tore her eyes away from my dick and gave me a radiant smile. "Thank you so much..." She sniffed; her eyes had watered up, such was her joy. "You are such a good person. You're a saint, David!" To this day, I have never gotten tired of those happy tears from a woman wishing for me to knock her up.

As she started around the desk to start collecting what I offered her, I asked: "Elaine, how many baby girls do you want?"

It didn't take her long to answer. "I want at least two, so I have two boys and two girls... but oh! It'd be even better to have three." She was standing right next to me now, and most likely it was only her gratitude for agreeing to knock her up that was keeping her from seizing the cock that was bobbing only an inch from her blouse.

If she wasn't careful, she might have to explain a precum stain later. I took a step back and unbuttoned my pants, pushing them down along with my underwear until they fell to my ankles on their own. "Okay Elaine, the first thing you need to do is taste some of what I'm about to put inside you."

She squatted down in front of me, her skirt riding up and finally pulling loose the snag of fabric that had been caught in her panties. She placed her tongue fully on the underside of my glans and slid it upwards, wiping a broad swath that had been wet with precum. She didn't stop to moan or comment, instead she suddenly engulfed me, sucking hard for more. I gave her several squirts of precum with my PC muscles, I wasn't sure how effective it would be on her due to her age.

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