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Coming in the back door leading into the kitchen, my arms full from the various stops i made, i close the door behind me with my foot making sure not to slam it. i set the bags on the counter and take a deep breath, wondering why i didn't do that in two trips.

i slip my shoes off at the door, then make my way up to the bedroom. Quickly, i start to shed my clothing, top and skirt are added to the dry cleaning pile, bra and panties making it to the laundry hamper. i twist my hair into a bun and fasten it there with two hair pins.

Looking to the bathroom, i debate on a quick shower, checking the bedside clock and wondering if i have enough time. Pulling the pins back out, i make my way to the shower and start the water. i start collecting what i will need for my shower while the water warms up, shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, shaving cream and razor. After lining up my things, i turn the knob to get the spray instead of the tap. i step in under the hot water and take a few deep breaths, relaxing as the water slides over my skin.

As i start to wash my hair, i go over in my mind what has to be done with all the bags downstairs. Rinsing and adding the conditioner, i pick up the scrubbie and wash my body from neck to toes. Letting the water rinse away the soap and conditioner, i pick up the shaving cream and start with my legs, shaving carefully to avoid any nicks. Once i am satisfied that i am smooth all over, i turn in the shower and wash away any soap or shaving cream left.

Turning off the water, i step out and quickly wipe off, wrapping my hair in a towel for a few moments. i gather up my shower supplies and return them to where they belong. i pick up the lotion and start to squeeze some into my hand, stopping when i remember the special surprise. Shaking my head at myself, thinking...that would have ruined the whole thing. Unwinding my hair and combing it thru, i return it to the bun and place the pins back in to hold it there.

Heading back to the kitchen wondering where to start, smiling to myself in anticipation of His surprise at my gift. i begin to unpack the bags, lining things up on the counter in the order that i plan to use them. i hadnt realized that the kitchen supply store could be so much fun, the sales assistant had been more than willing to help, maybe it was the blouse.

Setting the mixer up on the counter, i pour in the heavy whipping cream and start the mixer. Leaving it to whip for awhile before adding anything else, i ready the little bit of sugar and vanilla to be added. i wash out the new pastry bag and the tip that will be on it, setting them aside for now. Checking the cream to see if its begun to aerate, seeing it has i slowly add the sugar, waiting until the sugar has been whipped in before drizzling in some vanilla. i watch the cream get to that wonderful consistency, thick and rich and so very sweet. Mmmmmmm... going to taste so good, i hope He lets me taste some. Covering the bowl of whipped cream, i place it in the refrigerator. i remove the beaters from the mixer and set them in the sink for now and then put the mixer back.

Looking at whats left on the counter, i decide on the raspberries. Picking thru the berries to make sure they are all fresh and clean, satisfied that they are, i slide the blender forward on the counter. Dropping the berries in and adding a touch of sugar, i puree the berries. Watching as the deep red color appears and the berries disappear, thinking it looks a tad thick, i add a touch of orange juice. Giving the blender a final spin, i take out a small bowl, the strainer and a piece of cheesecloth. Placing the cheesecloth over the strainer and the strainer into the bowl, i pick up the blended raspberries and pour them thru the cheesecloth. Using a spatula to make sure all the juice has been captured, i set the strainer and cheesecloth in the sink. Smiling as i pick up the sauce bottle, i slowly pour the raspberry puree into the bottle not wanting to waste a drop. i screw on the cap and squirt a little on my finger, licking it off. Mmmmm.. perfect. i place it next to the whipped cream in the refrigerator.

Next is the strawberries, nice, big, red, juicy strawberries. These will be easy, i snip the long stems off with my fingertips and rinse them in the sink. Leaving them to air dry on a few papertowels, i toss the stems and leaves away.

Looking at what is left on the counter, i decide on the pineapple. i pull out the cutting board and set it on the counter. Eyeing His knives, knowing i am forbidden to use them, i step closer. i feel the shiver go up my spine, looking over my shoulder, checking to see if He is there. Shaking the feeling off, sliding my fingertip over the handle of the chef knife, i pull my hand away quickly. Scanning the room once more, not able to brush the feeling that He can see me, that He knows what i am doing, i open the drawer below His knives and pull out one of the ones He bought for me. Slicing the top and bottom of the pineapple, i carefully begin to peel the prickly skin off. i begin cutting sections around the core off, discarding the top, bottom, skin and core. i start to make small pieces of the fresh pineapple, watching some of the juice pool on the cutting board. i raise the board and slide the diced fruit and its juices into a small glass bowl.

i rinse off the cutting board and wiping it dry, i set it back on the counter for the next fruit. Grinning as i pick up the nice ripe mango, looking at His knives but going directly to my own, i remove a paring knife. Carefully peeling the slippery fruit, picking the larger knife back up, i begin to make neat slivers of mango. i take down a plate and begin to arrange the mango slices in a circle. Smiling at the pretty arrangement, i cover the plate and slide it into the refrigerator as well.

One last thing to prepare before the special surprise is ready, what is dessert without chocolate. Pulling out another cutting board and a clean knife, i begin chopping up the block of chocolate, placing the pieces in a stainless bowl. Putting a saucepan on the stove, i pour in the heavy cream and a little bit of butter, bringing the liquid just barely to a boil. i carefully pour the hot cream over the chocolate and let it rest for a moment. Finally, i whisk the decadent mixture until creamy and the perfect thickness to drizzle. i set up a double boiler to keep the ganache warm and easy to play with.

Taking the whipped cream out of the refrigerator, i scoop the light fluffy cream into a star tipped pastry bag. The pastry bag is positioned standing up in a tall deep blue glass. Then i begin lining everything up after that, the raspberry puree bottle placed on a white plate and the bowl of diced pineapple. Lining a bowl with the fresh strawberries and setting them beside the pineapple and finally adding the mangos to the end of the line.

Smiling at the pretty display of colors and foods, i look up and catch a glimpse of the time.. Oh my.. He'll be home soon. i quickly rinse the dishes and put them in the dishwasher, washing out the cheesecloth and leaving it to dry. i check the temperature of the ganache, placing a spoon and a fork next to the bowl.

i turn and look at the grey marble island, my fingers sliding over the cool surface. i shiver knowing this is the plate for His dessert, i will soon feel that cold marble beneath my body. i can feel myself begin to moisten, i know i wont last long. i cannot wait for Him to arrive.

i pick up the last item from my shopping spree, a cluster of different colored roses. Starting at the front door, i begin to pluck the petals and leave a path heading toward the kitchen. Red to pink, pink to yellow, yellow to white, white to peach, peach to lavender...almost there.. leaving the single red rose at the threshold of the kitchen door.

i hear His car, then His keys. i quickly lower to my knees, waiting patiently for Him. i can hear His voice, i feel the warmth spread throughout my body at just the sound of Him.

Smiling softly, i wait.

He picks up the rose at the threshold and steps close to me, sliding the petals across my breasts causing my nipples to harden in response. i can hear the smile in His voice as He speaks to me, "I see my girl has been busy today."

Lifting my head to smile up at Him, "Yes Master, i hope it pleases You."

"Oh, my dear, it does please me and I expect will continue to please me for several hours."

As He looks over the prepared foods, He asks, "Where are your cuffs?"

"i didn't bring them down Master, but if You wish it so i will retrieve them now."

"Yes, I do want them and I want to put them on you."

Quickly rising to my feet, hurrying out the door and into the bedroom, i pull the cuffs from the top drawer and bring them back to Him. Lowering to my knees before Him, i offer the cuffs and my wrists. He smiles, leans in and presses a kiss to each wrist before wrapping it in the cuff.

He bends down and tenderly nibbles my ear, causing me to giggle which is quickly changed into a moan as His hand slides down my front. His fingers stopping to pinch my nipples softly, making them harder. His hand sliding lower and over my mound, i moan deeper as i feel a finger slide in between my lips and find the wetness there.

"Mmmmm, my girl is wet already. What have you been thinking of?"

"You, Master... You and Your touch."

"Mmmmmmm." With that sound, His arms lift me from the floor and set me down on the cold marble island.

"OHH, Godssss... that is cold Master." He chuckles as He spreads me out across the surface of the counter.

"I am sure it is, my sweet, but it will be warm soon enough. Arms above your head."

Raising my arms, i feel Him clip the cuffs together and to my surprise to the end of the island. "Master, when did You put that there?"

A deeper laugh this time, "Does it really matter when?"

"Uhh no Master."

"I didn't think so."

i hear His footsteps leave the tile floor of the kitchen and i begin to wonder where He has gone. Looking around the room, hoping to catch a glimpse of Him returning, i hear His voice. "Close your eyes."

i close my eyes and wait. i feel the soft silk of the blindfold cover my eyes and the slightest tug as He ties it.

"Tight enough? Can you see at all?"

"Yes, tight enough....No, Master, i cannot see."

i feel His lips on my forehead and i smile. He steps away and i can hear Him thinking of what to start with.

"Hmmmmm... Open."

i open my mouth and before i taste i can smell the chocolate. Biting down onto a strawberry, i feel the juices trickle over my cheek, i start to lick the chocolate off my lips and He stops me.

Only a breath away, He whispers, "Mine, all Mine tonight."

i gasp as i feel His tongue tracing the path of the juice, trailing over my lips and picking up the chocolate. Moaning softly as He tenderly kisses me, i am breathless by the time He breaks the kiss.

i hear Him choosing whats next... i feel my navel being filled with something. i try to remember, putting the texture with the feel, inhaling the scent. He has filled my navel with pineapple, i laugh softly. i expect Him to lean in and taste it, but instead i feel the chilled slices of the mango framing my bikini line. The heat from my body will make the juices of the fruit run down over my pussy, making me sweet and wet...well, wetter.

i feel a cold trail of liquid tracing the shape of my nipples, then down over my breast and almost to my navel. Knowing its the raspberry puree, feeling it drip down over my side, i moan deeper and start to squirm.

"Ohh no... no moving."

i groan, "Yes, Master."

The next sensation is different, cool but not liquid.. the whipped cream. He follows the same path as the puree except the whipped cream makes it to below the mango slices, over the folds of my pussy.

"Mmmmm, my girl is very wet, glistening in fact."

Finally something warm, drizzled over me, in more than one place, He must be using both the fork and spoon with the ganache. It covers my breasts, my nipples, over my belly and down my mound... moaning deeper, soft begging sounds.

i wait for a touch and it feels like forever before His mouth lowers and takes all of my nipple into His mouth. Crying out as He sucks, licks and savors my breast, practically screaming as He circles the island and does the same to the other.

His tongue is sliding over my torso, first long licks that have me shivering, then shorter ones that have me holding my breath in anticipation for more. His hands have begun to knead my breasts, gently pinching and tugging on my nipples. i am doing everything in my power not to squirm.

He reaches the pineapple pieces resting in my navel, He sucks out the juice that has collected then i feel His tongue searching out the pieces. Sucking, licking, lapping.. nibbling at my flesh.

"Ohhh Godss Master."

"Yes, my sweet dessert?"

"Please don't stop Master, please."

As i speak the last please, His tongue slides up my pussy, picking up fruit juices, cream, chocolate and my juices.


He works slowly, licking from bottom to top and finishing off a mango slice with each long journey of His tongue. i am barely able to hold still, His mouth and tongue bringing intense pleasures. He finishes the fruit, but continues the sweet torture on my pussy.

"Ohhh Master, please, " gasping for breath, trying to speak, "please Master, may i cum for You?"

After one very long delicious lick, He lifts His head and says softly, "yes, you may." Immediately after He is finished speaking, He pushes His tongue inside me.

i cry out loud, beyond words and begin to shudder hard, feeling the orgasm all the way from the tips of my fingers to the tips of my toes. Crash after crash, wave after wave, sensing the bliss coming closer and closer... cries to moans, moans to mews...mews to purrs... purrs to silence.

i dont notice He has pulled away until i feel His lips pressed to mine as He slowly pulls the blindfold off. i smile up at Him and blink Him back into focus.

"Ummm, WOW. Master."

He chuckles, "Yes, sweet, Wow. I am going to unclip your arms so you can move them but stay here on the counter, I'm not quite done."

That wonderful full laugh fills the room as my eyes widen at the comment, i swallow hard.

"I just want to share some with you."

He picks up a large strawberry and when i expect it to be dipped into chocolate as the one before, i find i am mistaken as i feel the cold berry slide between my lips picking up my own juices. He tops it with some whipped cream and a drizzle of chocolate before taking a bite. Smiling wide, He lifts the berry to my mouth and shares the remaining piece with me, finishing with a kiss.

"Incredible... best dessert ever."

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