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  • Adeeana's Mate Ch. 03

Adeeana's Mate Ch. 03


Dedicated to Guitar Girl...who wouldn't let Adeeana be lost forever. Thank you!

The palace room was dark except for the last bits of sunlight that filtered through the window. The only furnishings were a small inn table, an unused lamp , and a hospital bed. The sound of beeping monitors and the soft clicking of the breathing machine set like war drums in the mind of the child who sat on the bed. His name was Tam but his father called him Mutt, and in his small pale hands he held the hand of his Mother, Nia. He stoked her palm continually as if the act alone would keep her alive. His little tawny head was bent towards her and though he did not verbally speak a word, he sent her every thought of love and hope he could manage.

"The healer will be here soon. Dad went to go get her. He said that she can almost bring the dead back to life Mom, so I'm sure she'll know how to wake you. I take care of him real good, just like you said. I make sure he eats cause he forgets sometimes, and I give him a kiss from you every night before bed. Just come back Mom, I really miss you. Dad misses you even more...I don't think...I don't think he will live if you do not wake."

Tears flowed down his rounded cheeks but fell unheeded. He had cried so much that he didn't even really notice anymore. The door of the room slid soundlessly open and a Man in his late years walked in. His hair was peppered with grey and cut severely close to his head. He wore the scarlet robes of the Human Council with an air of confidence and superiority.

"What are you doing in here boy?" His voice was hard and his lips pursed as he saw the child wipe away his tears.

"I was just telling Mom not to worry...that dad was going to get the healer."

"She can't hear you. You're wasting your time." The words cut like knifes but Tam barely flinched. He knew on some level that his Uncle enjoyed his pain. He had tried to tell his Dad but Merrik hadn't really heard Tam since his mom got sick.

"I wasn't being very loud." He whispered bringing his mother's hand up against his cheek and pressing a small kiss to it. "Even if she can't hear me, it makes me feel better to talk to her."

The smile on his Uncle's face made Tam's skin crawl. "Ahh the selfishness of youth. The Doctors are coming to give your Mother some more medicine. You will have to wait outside while it is administered."

As if by magic the stooped form of his Uncle's private doctor appeared behind him in the door. Tam shook his head, his eyes flashing fury, and walked past them outside. He waited close to the door afraid that if he wondered very far his mom would be in danger. He was too young to realize that instinct was telling him something so instead he chalked the feelings up to being upset. He hated when his Uncle's Doctor gave Mom medicine. Sometimes, between doses, he could almost hear her. Like the slightest brush of a butterfly's wing, but after the treatments there was only silence. His Uncle said that it was to help his Mother rest but that didn't make it better as far as Tam was concerned. He wanted her to wake, not sleep more.

Counselor Kempoe stood at the foot of his sister's bed looking down on her in contempt. She was a sister by marriage only but they had been raised together. Kempoe had been 16 when she was born and had watched her grow up into a stunning beauty. Even in sickness her form stirred his body. He could hear the little brat shuffling outside and wondered how much longer he was going to have to endure his presence. The child looked at him as if he were a substance on the bottom of his shoe. No one, young or old dared to do such a thing! Even Nia who had known him since childhood had the sense to yield to him in all but one thing. Leave it to Nia's little brat to be the only one to think himself above the laws.

"My Lord. It looks like she is still trying to communicate." The doctor said as he viewed the scanner in his hand. "Her brain activity is up 20% despite of the drugs."

"Give her more then." Kempoe said with a careless shrug.

"I'm afraid that would more then likely kill her."

Kempoe sighed. Were she not needed he would have already seen to her disposal and to that of her whelp outside but he feared what Merrik would do if he found out. No, he was at the apex of his plan. Merrik would fetch the healer, Kempoe had already told him that her mate was responsible for Nia's sickness, they would fight for the healer and kill each other and that just left the brat and the women to clean up. Kempoe had given his sister the option to renounce her marriage and destroy her child but she had refused. Even the "facts" that Lycanthrope killed their human mates had not persuaded her. He patted himself on the back for that. It had taken almost thirty arranged instances to get his marriage bans passed. It had taken twelve more to have his newest law brought into action. No Garu/Human marriages would be acknowledged and all half breeds would be sterilized for the "betterment" of both species. It had been so easy. Kempoe hated the Garu, filthy animals, and had been heading up an alliance to have them destroyed ever since he had taken seat on the counsel. Never mind that the alliance had not really taken hold in the human world until after a few of the arranged deaths. Kempoe was sure that he was not the only one that hated them and that he was saving humanity from the taint of the Garu. Those savages had been servants to the humans when they first arrived on the planet. Seventeen generations had seen them in near slavery and then there had been an uprising. The government had been overthrown by the Garu and the supporters of its rights. What rights did those animals really need? The counsel had been established and Kempoe had barely managed to hold his position of power. That was unwittingly because of his sister's choice in mate.

"Raise the dose." Kempoe said his eyes burning with hate.

"If she dies then Merrik will join her." The doctor said, his nasally voice rising with every word. "And if he joins her then there will be nothing to keep the Garu ground troop leader from coming for us!"

"Be quiet fool." Kempoe snapped glancing around as if the walls had ears. "Merrik will kill the Garu to save his mate who will kill him after she has healed my sister. The healer will be destroyed by her guilt and my sister..." Kempoe turned his back on the beautiful girl struggling for life in the bed. "My sister will die for choosing an animal over me."

Merrik clutched the sleeping woman to him, cradling her face to his chest to keep her from being recognized. He thanked the fates that there were too few Garu around to recognize that he himself was giving off the scent of the unconscious girl. He hadn't bothered to ask Kempoe how he had managed to reproduce the scent and he didn't trust the man to have been true to his word but it was the only chance that his mate had and so he had taken it. He had heard of Sheron, who hadn't? And he knew that the Garu's wrath would be unequaled but he welcomed it. He half hoped that the traitor had been in the apartment where he had taken the girl. His mind ached with the emptiness that Nia's absence left so he filled it with revenge. He would take the healer and use her and then he would kill her. He would leave Sheron to the hell that he had lived these past months. The hell of reaching out for your heart and finding only darkness. He had no real hope that she could do what Kempoe had said she could but he would try anyway. If she was successful then Merrik would challenge Sheron in a fair fight. If she was not then he would kill her and wait for her mate to come. He felt a flutter in his mind, one so achingly familiar that it stopped him mid thought.

"Imaria Nia?"

Silence. The flutter was gone and its absence made Merrik almost howl with loss. As it was he barely got into the waiting transporter without dropping to his knees. He tossed the bound healer carelessly to the floor his need for violence over taking him. He tore at the skin on his arms with his nails letting the physical pain surround him. He had to hold on. Tam, he had to think of Tam. At once the pictures of his son flashed through his head. His hair was a mix of blonde and brown and red and his eyes were blue and green and grey. He had been so multi colored when he was born that Merrik had called him Mutt, and though Nia detested the name saying that Tam was the most beautiful baby alive, it had stuck. Merrik let his claws retract and looked down at the deep scars on his fore arm. He had left Mutt at home so he wouldn't see this. The loss of a mate was devastating and had it not been for the fact that the doctors said that Nia might be healed he would have joined her in the dankness. He was not stupid enough to leave Mutt in the care of Kempoe. Unbeknownst to both Kempoe and Nia, if he were to die his family would come for Tam. Merrick looked to where the healer had fallen and lifted her up with infinitely more care then he had deposited her. He felt pity that she was bound to such a monster as Sheron. The poison that had sickened his mate had been meant for Kempoe. A gift of wine that Sheron had sent. It had reeked of the Garu sent when it had been delivered. Kempoe had said that he had tried to talk Nia out of drinking it but she had said that there was no reason for Kempoe's prejudice and had taken the drink anyway. Merrik smiled thinking how very like his wife that was. She trusted everyone, she loved everyone, and for that she had been betrayed. There was an alliance between the Garu and the Human Council since they had established separate governments. Merrik had wanted to challenge Sheron immediately but Kempoe had convinced him that there was a small chance Sheron's woman could save Nia. His revenge would wait.

Sheron rushed to Adeeana's apartment like a man possessed. The occasional passer by was greeted with growls of warning and even Trish and Brom stayed back. The door was opened when he got there. He scanned the room looking for any sign of her or where they had taken her. His mind clamored with the need to touch everything that was hers and the need to destroy it for not being her.

"Breathe my friend." Brom said cautiously reading the madness that threatened. "She is alive. You must believe that."

"Then why can I not feel her?" Sheron snarled turning on Brom in such a way that he pushed Trish behind him. The protective stance broke through some of Sheron's grief. "Forgive me. I can not ask your help in this."

"Then you will have to take it without asking." Trish said pushing Brom out of her way. If she were dead you would know. Can you smell her here?"


"What is wrong with the scent." Trish asked patiently. Sheron took it in again. By the couch were a crushed box of her things lay Adeeana's scent was weakest but it was there that it was tinged with the acidic thread of fear. He walked to the door taking a deep breath. Her scent was stronger here, so strong that it didn't seem possible. It lacked the fear from before and it was not that strong anywhere else in the house.

"He is covering his own scent with hers."

Trish nodded her head looking up at Brom. "Wasn't the package that burned you covered in the same sort of scent?"

Sheron swore and headed out the door following the false scent. The one who had tried to kill him had taken Adeeana. Sheron had brought death to her door. He thought for a second that perhaps he had been wrong to come for her. He should have destroyed the enemy first but he had been impatient to be with her. The scent was direct as if the one who had taken her had not even bothered to try and hide his presence. No doubt he thought that Sheron wouldn't figure out the scent mask. He would not have had it not been for Trish. The scent ended at the Eastern Transporter docks. Again Sheron cursed his own stupidity. Had he thought for a moment he would have realized that the kidnaper would have to leave immediately. Adeeana was well liked and easily recognized there was no way anyone could keep her on the grounds unnoticed. He turned a slow circle looking for answers. Someone had seen, someone knew what was going on and he was going to find out who. He grabbed a passing student jerking him up by his shirt collar.

"Where are the docking logs for this place kept and by whom."

"The st-station ma-master." Choked out the student who was sure that the Garu was going to kill him. Sheron's eyes glowed and unholy yellow and his teeth seemed to be barely contained by his mouth. "Where!" Sheron bit out again. He felt light feminine hands on his arm and at once a sense of almost peace passed through him. He turned to see Trish, her usually expressive face blank and serene. He sat the stuttering student down and followed as she led him to an empty dock.

"This way." She said in a voice that sounded so foreign that it made the hair stand up on the back of his neck. "Across the waters, a blue ship with silver letters, must hurry...must not be caught."

"Trish." Brock touched his mate feeling the tremor of power that went through her. There has always been rumors that the Garu Royals were telepathic but none had ever been confirmed. Trish blinked her eyes coming back into focus. We'll ask the Dock master about the destination of the blue ship. If we are lucky we can get one of these transporters to follow them.

"We aren't going to need luck." Sheron growled stepping toward the nearest transport but was restrained by Trish.

"Talk to the station Master first. We can't take off blindly. We need to know what ship took her and where it was headed." Sheron hated the idea of leaving Adeeana out of his reach any longer then he had to but he knew that what Trish said was right.

Consciousness came slowly to Adeeana. Her brain seemed to be caught in a strange thick web. she tried to make sense out of the disjointed fragments that filtered through but almost as soon as she saw them they were gone again. Someone was talking...she had been captured, she remembered that much...but everything else seemed wrapped in fog.

"How long before the drug wears off?" A male voice demanded.

"It should have worn off already." Another answered, "How much was she given?"

"Only what was in the syringe. It is the same dose that we first started Nia on."

There was a silence. "She should wake any moment now."

"We have to hurry. Nia is trying to break through the barrier and that little brat suspects as much."

"Where is Merrik?"

"He is preparing to battle Sheron."

Adeeana's mind clasped the name like a life raft. With everything that was in her she called out to Sheron in warning.


It's a trap! Stay away from here...it's a trap?

Where are you?

I don't know...

"She's awake. Quick dose her again before she makes contact!" Adeeana tried to move away from the man with the syringe but the drugs she had been given previously made her too slow. Before she knew what was happening the fluid of forgetfulness was flowing through her brain. Who were these people who were smiling at her? What was she supposed to be doing. The room went dark and the lock was turned before she could even ask her questions. She was a medical student...she was supposed to be healing.

"Why can't she see Nia now?" Merrik demanded growling and the slimy little doctor who was barring his way to the healer's room.

"The drugs are potent and have not worn off. She needs time..."

"Nia doesn't have any more time!" Merrik growled shoving the man out of the way to unlock the door."

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Kempoe said, his face a mask of false sympathy.

"I want the healer in Nia's room." Merrik snarled, "Before her mate gets here. I will stall him enough to give her time..."

"That is fair," Kempoe agreed quickly mentally calculating his next move. "You should put your son in with her."


"She will be confused when she wakes." Kempoe said.

"If she wakes." The doctor added with a sneer.

Kempoe shot the little man a look that silenced him and kept Merrik from doing so permanently. "When she wakes she will want a familiar face, some reassurance about her family."

Merrik frowned. Something about this tasted wrong."How do we know she wouldn't hurt Tam?"

"Well she is a healer of Dramulus." Kempoe smiled, "Her first law says that she can not take a life unless it is to save her own. I doubt your son will be threatening the girl that will save his mother."

Merrik nodded though every cell in his body protested it. He would do what he could to buy time for Nia.

"It doesn't make any sense." Sheron said, reason seeping through the rage in his brain as the medical transporter sped toward the capital. He could feel Adeeana. Her thoughts were disjointed and afraid and she did not recognize his call but she was alive. "The council never sent word to Adeeana that she was to report to them?"

Trish shook her head, "No. The last thing Adeeana got from the council was her welcome into the Dramulus class. We all got one."

"Could she have missed it and for that reason been arrested?" Brom asked.

"No. She's very methodical about her affairs and she doesn't keep secrets. Besides if she had been arrested then they would have kept her on the school grounds until official papers could be drawn and transport arranged."

"Who ever took her had to know where she lived, had access to medical records that would have her scent pattern and a transporter to take her..." Brom continued his mate's thought not liking the pattern they were creating.

"Not just any transporter, Counselor Kempoe's transporter." Trish finished.

Sheron thought darkly about the rumors surrounding the counselor. Rumors that he had killed to get his position. That he was the source of the humans unrest against the Garu. If he simply wanted to kill her why risk being seen in the transporter? "It was more then just luck that she was taken from the grounds the day after graduation." Sheron said, "As far as the school was concerned Adeeana was leaving and would not be missed."

"What could Counselor Kempoe possibly want from Adeeana?" Trish asked her eyes holding the same fear that Sheron's did. "He...he would not force her to heal? He would have to know about her spells. If the proper precautions are not taken she could easily kill whomever was in the room."

"If Kempoe wanted someone dead and someone to blame, Adeeana would be the easiest way to do it." Brom said. "And he would have counted on you Sheron, to follow her."

Sheron nodded feeling the muscles of the beast roll under his skin. "Adeeana was trying to tell me it was a trap." Sheron turned formally to Brom. "I will ask you as a friend not to follow me into this battle." Brock opened his mouth to protest but Sheron cut him off. "I will need proof about what has happened this day. A witness in good standing that can prove that I did not attack without provocation. If I should not come through this.."

"No!" Trish said shaking her head but Sheron continued.

"If I should not come through this you must find her, get to her, you must protect her." Silence filled the small craft for a moment before he and Brom clasped forearms.

"It shall be as you ask."

The room that Adeeana was taken to was dark and unfamiliar. She tried to get her muddled thoughts to focus but they were like rice paper floating in water, as soon as she grasped them they dissolved. She stood,throwing her wealth of golden hair behind her, a movement that caused her to stumble back over an inn table. She crashed to the floor taking the contents of the table with her. Her eyes teared in frustration. What was the matter with her?

"Are you okay?" A tiny voice asked from the darkness. Adeeana looked around for the source and located a little boy, scruffy and sad looking sitting on the end of a large hospital bed. It was then that she became aware of the smells of sickness. The air was stale and heavy with the sweet smell associated with death.

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