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Changing Room Prank Ch. 06


Hello to anyone still following this story. Sorry for the delay but the story continues! Feedback welcome and comments encouraged! -LBD54

As every Monday before then, I was too tired to get out of bed. I dragged my feet on to the floor and rubbed my heavy eyes. Despite how tired I was, I was still eager to get to school. There were no interesting classes or events happening today, I just wanted to see Kenny again. I knew I couldn't greet him with a kiss or tell him how much fun I had on Friday but I needed to be close to him again. I changed into Ethan's clothes, put on Ethan's backpack and headed for the door.

When I got to school, I scanned the hallway for Kenny. I walked to his locker but he wasn't there either. I slumped back against his locker and sighed. Greg was walking through the hallway and we made eye contact for a split second. His face lit up when saw me and I tried to fake a shocked and excited face too.

"I didn't see you all last week. Were you in school?" he asked. The truth was that I had been avoiding Greg. Greg was one more complicated relationship for me to deal with as it was, and I didn't want to go any further yet.

"Yeah, I guess you must have just missed me. How have you been?" I said. The small talk was incredibly forced but I politely stayed.

"All right, but I missed hanging out with you." Greg gave me a wink and put his hand on my side. I quickly responded by wiping it away.

"What are you thinking? We cannot do that here!"

"Do what?"

"Touch me like that, someone might see it."

"Like who?" I couldn't think of anyone girls I cared about that would see that, but Kenny came to mind. I don't know why it would matter though. He didn't know that his girlfriend was actually the boy who sat across from him in algebra.

"I don't know, just don't do that. I'm Ethan, OK? If you want to fool around you can talk to Alice." I emphasized 'Alice', but I don't think I was getting the point across to Greg.

"Ethan, stop. Don't you love it when we get together? I know I do, and it feels amazing. Every time I'm with you I want it to last forever and whenever you go, all I do is think about us."

How could reject this poor kid? Greg had poured his heart out to me right in the hallway without a care for who heard it. Luckily class was starting so no one was around, but I still would have preferred it if he could keep it down a little.

"Greg, I do love it, but this is so sudden. You know how much has changed for me in these last few weeks alone." The bell rang. "I'm sorry, but I have to go. Can we please talk about this some other time?"

"Sure, but what if I don't see you again?" Greg's eyes told me how worried he was about that possible scenario.

"I know where to find you, don't worry." I turned and walked to class. I had a strange feeling in my stomach, though. I was lost in my thoughts. Why did I have to make it so complicated? I thought. I slumped down into my seat and stared blankly and the chalk board for the next hour.

After three mind-numbing classes lunch came around. I found an empty table in the cafeteria and sat down. Shortly thereafter I was joined by Kenny.

"Hey, Ethan, how come you're sitting alone?"

"I just want to think about some things, I guess," I said with glee as I looked into Kenny's eyes. "I'm glad you're here though." I couldn't contain my girly glee when I saw my crush.

I would change the paragraph as follows: "I just want to think about some things, I guess." I couldn't contain my girly glee when I saw my crush. "I'm glad you're here though," I said as I looked into Kenny's eyes.

"OK, how was your weekend?"

"Nothing special, how did your date with Alice go?" I didn't want to talk about my own weekend, but this question inadvertently opened up a topic about me as well.

"It was incredible. I can't thank you enough for your help. We had such a great time. She loved the place I picked, too, as per your suggestion and she liked my cologne. How did you know she would? She looked amazing too. She wore this purple dress and these shoes and she was beautiful."

"Wow, it sounds like you really enjoyed yourself." Kenny was almost impossible to stop. He was talking a mile a minute. I loved to see him this giddy, though, at least it meant he enjoyed himself as much as I did.

"Yeah, that night was fantastic. Except she didn't want to go all the way. It was a little disappointing, but I don't mind too much, as long as we keep seeing each other. I wonder if she's available this weekend."

"She probably didn't want to go all the way because she just met you. It sounds like she really likes you; maybe she just isn't ready yet."

"You're right, Ethan. She's too special for us to rush it." I wanted to jump on him and just tell him how adorably cute he was. I wanted to kiss him and feel his body rub against mine again, but it had to remain a secret, and that was torture.

"Just tell her what you told me and you'll be fine."

"OK. I can't wait to see her next." Kenny put his head in his hands and stared off into the distance. "Shit, I've got finish my history assignment, I'll see you in class." Kenny jumped up and left me to be alone with my lunch.

This day just kept getting more complicated. Greg and Kenny were both madly into Alice and sooner or later, one of them would find out about each other. I walked out of the lunchroom with my eyes focused straight ahead. There was no one I wanted to talk to right now.

As I turned the corner, I felt someone grab my arm. It was Greg again.

"Who were you talking to?" Greg questioned.

"Just Kenny, does it matter to you?"

"Does Kenny know?"

"OF COURSE NOT!" I scream-whispered at Greg. Not yet, I thought.

"Sorry, I was just wondering. What did you guys talk about?" Why did Greg care? He was getting weird.

"Nothing, we just ate lunch together. Let go of my arm." Greg realized what he was doing, let go, and apologized. I gave Greg a look and then walked off. What is his problem?

When I got to history Kenny waved me over. He had saved a spot for me. During the whole class he wouldn't stop talking. He was either describing his favorite parts of the date or talking about Alice or asking for more advice. I knew what he could do, but I told him there was nothing else I knew.

"You can handle this yourself from now on. You know what you're doing now." I gave him a reassuring look and a pat on the back. Kenny gave me a quizzical look. He opened his mouth, but rethought what he was about to say and then decided not to say it.

"Do you think so?" he asked.

"Yes, didn't it go well? Aren't you two happy?"

"Yeah, but I want it to stay this way, and I really don't want to mess it up."

I nearly blushed. "You're doing fine" as I said as I looked into his eyes. There was a tension. Kenny looked back into my eyes then made a face as if he was trying to figure something out.

"Have you – um... never mind." Kenny laughed to himself and thanked me. He got back to his work and kept himself entertained with whatever thoughts he had in his head.


Friday night was game night for our high school. The season had just begun and Mark was going to be starting for us. Greg invited me to come watch the game with him, but "just as two bros," he had stressed. I liked the idea of being able to hang out with Greg again. No matter how close emotionally we were, we still hadn't enjoyed the casual closeness of buddies we had before the day at the mall. Greg and I laughed at the same dumb jokes, wore similar dorky outfits, and talked about which girls we thought were the hottest, or used to. We were almost inseparable during the first few years of high school. I really wanted to have that back, but I knew that innocence was long gone. Maybe this would change things. A great game, lots a people and just two friends watching the game.

The first half didn't look easy for either team, but Mark seemed to be doing pretty well. We cheered him on as best we could from the stands and shouted his name whenever we could. Greg and I were having a great time embarrassing Mark. Greg had gone to get some food while I stayed back and held our seats. I took out my phone to kill the time and saw that I had a couple texts from Kenny. Hey I was thinking about us and last week and I think now I definitely OK with taking it slow. I get it now, its cool. The next one was him asking Alice out on another date. I had to politely decline, but not before telling him how much I appreciated what he was doing. Most high school guys probably expected something a little more PG-13 but he seemed patient enough. Thing was, though, I didn't even want to wait that long. I really wanted to tell Kenny who I was, and what was really going on that day we met. There was no realistic situation where I thought I could do that, though. Either Kenny was going to find out some time, or I was going to lose him, but I couldn't imagine any of that happening.

Greg returned with a bag of peanuts and one large drink.

"Why didn't you get two cups?" I asked.

"We can't share? We've done much worse than drink from the same bottle before." I gave him the shut up look and glaring eyes. Why couldn't he drop this? Why couldn't he understand Alice versus Ethan? These were small things that made Greg so much more difficult.

During the third quarter, things started to slow down. Neither team had scored since the half and Mark had been benched after he fumbled the ball too close to his end zone. I took another handful of the peanuts and slouched back on the steel benches. I leaned back in for another handful, but when I reached in, Greg unknowingly had done the same. Our hands met in the bag and I thought nothing of it, unlike Greg. He turned toward me and managed a playful laugh, then gently rubbed his thumb across my palm. I turned around to see who was watching us, but obviously no one there cared about us; they were focused intently on the game. I smiled back at Greg, took his hand and dragged my fingers up and down its back. Even though we were at a football game out in public where we should be two regular straight dues there were still going to be these little games Greg liked to play, and I liked to join in on. We both brought our hands out of the bag and continued on watching the game. I couldn't believe how scared I had been of publics displays of affection. Greg did it so casually, yet his gesture made me feel so much closer to him. In retrospect, I was ashamed for having been so distant in the past, for fear that people who saw our closeness would judge us. Greg was far more mature than I was. He was able to move past what others thought and just go for it. I had always admired that about Greg. I was so concerned with personas that I never gave the people who cared about me any attention. I was angry at myself for being so shallow, but it was high school and none of us knew how insignificant these years would turn out to be. Well, less significant for some than others.

The game was coming to close and the opponent had just scored. We were now 4 points behind. With only enough time left for one more drive, the coach opted to put in Mark. He pulled him in close and said something to him that seemed to really hit Mark. The offense made steady progress but the clock was against them. They needed something drastic. The only play that could secure a win would be a Hail Mary to end of the field, and Mark was the best sprinter. The teams set up on the line, and then the quarterback called for the snap. Greg and I were both on our feet at this point, as was the rest of the crowd. The quarterback launched the ball deep down field, and my heart stopped for a moment. The ball finally came down somewhere near the end zone but it had become such a mess that no one knew who had it. The refs came and cleared the players, then out popped Mark with the ball. The crowd exploded, the marching band burst out and I pulled in Greg for a hug. I pulled him down and he brought his arms around me. I was so excited I jumped up and down still holding onto Greg. Suddenly I realized there was something very hard pressing into my stomach. I pulled away and asked Greg if he had anything in his pockets. Greg blushed and said "Uhh, no, I think you know what that was." I didn't mean to upset Greg for something so human, but it was an issue. If he got hard every time I touched him we're weren't going in the right direction.

"That's fine, I get them too, you know." I casually laughed it off with Greg but inside I knew now for certain that we were past the point of no return. Why couldn't we be just normal friends again?

Greg and I walked out of the game together to the parking lot. We walked past to its edge, where Greg's car was parked, so we were secluded from the rest of the crowd. I walked around to the trunk to get my bag and he followed close behind.

"Great game, wasn't it?" Greg asked. He smiled at me as he leaned against the car.

"Yeah, it was. Mark was amazing, wasn't he?" I pulled my bag out of the back onto my back.

"Sure. What are you doing after this?" Greg pushed off against the car and stood a little bit closer to me. He took a step forward then put his hands in his pockets.

"Nothing special really, uuh."

"My parents aren't home this weekend so I thought we could hang out." No doubt about it: Greg was horny tonight.

"And do what?" I asked coyly.

"You know," Greg leaned closer and brought his hand to my face to brush away my hair. I slapped his hand away from mine and took a step back.

"Stop this already. I know what you've want but you can't have that right now, OK? Just stop it."

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being so complicated."

"I'm not," I retorted. "You just don't understand." Those last few words faded into the warm fall air. Greg's mouth sunk down on his face, and his shoulders dropped. I looked down at my feet, then back up at Greg. He shook his head, turned, and got in his car. Before he left, I knocked on the window. "I still had a really good time tonight," I said desperately.

"Me too," Greg looked back with bleak eyes. Then it was silent again. We said goodbye and then Greg drove off. Again, Greg had ruined a perfect day. Distraught, I went to find Mark.

I took my bag with me into the girls' changing rooms, which was deserted after the cheerleaders had left. I dropped my pants and exchanged them for the light short shorts I had borrowed from my sister's closet along with a low cut blouse that hung loosely off my shoulders. My bra band was visible below the armpits and the shirt wasn't tight enough to show that I was basically flat. The shorts in contrast had to be squeezed into and went all the way down to maybe cover my ass. I went to the sink and brought out the small makeup bag I had with me. I carefully applied the makeup, hoping Mark would notice how hard I tried to impress him. I had to put on enough to be certain no one would recognize me. As I threw the old clothes into my bag, I heard the clicking of heels coming to the changing room. I froze. A woman who had yet to give up on her dream by living it through her kids walked through the door. She had worked hard enough to shed the baby weight twice by now, but kept a piece of herself in her daughters. Both of them were cheerleaders and she was the coach.

"Oh, sorry, I thought everyone had left already."

"Uh, no, sorry" I whispered.

"I was looking for Stacy, have you seen her?'

"No, sorry." I was shaking inside.

"OK, if you do, tell her to meet me out front, we have to get Rachel to the hospital. Did you see what happened today? Just awful."

Rachel had twisted her ankle during one of the routines at half time.

"We don't have any replacements either, and we can't do the routine with an odd number. Do you know anything about cheerleading?"

Why did she think a stranger in the girls' changing room would be able to replace a practiced girl who had been practiced the routine for months? Who knows why, but she wasn't wrong to. I had gone to every football game since middle school just to see the cheerleaders. I memorized every move and ran through it a million times in my head. God, I wanted to be one of them so bad.

"I know some stuff" I responded, my voice was rising from a guilty tremor.

"Great, be at practice next Tuesday. I'm Ms. Lawrence." She held out a painted hand with a glee. I shook it lightly and responded.

"Alice, pleasure."

"Don't be late, Alice." She added as she turned to the door. What a dream come true. Years of silent jealously that was now all over with one short misstep of a cartwheel. I also owe this partly to Mark and Greg. That cruel changing room prank turned out to be the best thing to ever happen to me if I meant I could be a cheerleader and become the girl that everyone lusted after.

I breathed a sigh of relief and exited the changing room. I walked down to the locker room to find Mark and congratulate him on his game. I nervously paced around waiting. I had never before had this burning desire to see him. I waited and waited for him to come out, but everyone on the team had walked by and I was getting anxious. I thought that maybe Mark had left already to celebrate, so I texted Greg. I told him we could fool around now if he wanted to. He responded almost immediately "I'm on my way."

I waited outside the changing rooms for all the players to exit. I needed Greg to get here fast so I could save myself from the embarrassment. I worried that everyone who passed knew who I really was. Every time I heard someone laugh in the distance, a chill ran down my spine. I knew they were laughing at me.

I asked one his teammates when he walked out where Mark was. He told me that Mark was still inside and that he was the last one. I completely forget about Greg and went in. There was Mark, in nothing but his shorts and cleats. I was able to get a good look at his ass before he turned around and saw me standing there.

Mark hurriedly grabbed a towel to cover himself and said "You can't come in here!" He fumbled with the towel while telling me no girls were allowed.

"Mark? Don't you recognize me?"

"Alice? Shit, I'm so sorry. I had no idea it was you!" He calmed down and sat down on the bench, then motioned for me to join him. "You look so beautiful tonight. I've never seen you like this before." Mark stared into my eyes with complete lack of doubt that I was the prettiest girl he had ever seen. I blushed and returned a compliment.

"Thanks, you played really well today."

"Thanks, it was a tough game."

"Not for you, you made it look so easy. You just pushed past them with your big arms." I brought my finger to his arm and rubbed up and down his forearm.

He laughed that aside. "Thanks Alice. I just did what I could." Mark looked down and saw my pleading eyes. I brought my other hand to his stomach and gently stroked his abs. "Now? Alice, I'm covered in dirt and sweat."

"Well, then we'll have to clean you up," I took his hand and led him to the showers. Mark didn't protest at all. We walked to the shower then Mark pulled my hand back.

"Wait," I stood there confused. Why are we stopping? Let's go. Then Mark took control of me. He pushed me against the lockers and got nice and close to the point where his leg was between mine. I didn't feel violated or weak at all beneath him, I only felt safe. What happened next was almost subconscious for us. Mark grabbed my tiny little frame and it felt like he pulled my entire body up to his lips. Next he slipped the straps of my shirt to the side and pulled down my shorts. I slipped my hands into his skin-tight football pants, then pulled them off. Mark easily took off my bra, and in record time we were both naked and ready for a shower. "OK, now we can go."

I kissed him again, and told him I'd meet him in there. I went back for the lube I had in my bag. I dug through my bag, but was interrupted by a loud PING. It was a text from Greg. Where are you, I'm outside the field. Shit, I had completely forgotten about Greg. I wanted to be as far away as I could from Greg right now, but I knew he wasn't going to give up. Then again, I was Alice now, and Greg had been so good to me lately. I called out to Mark. I explained that I planned to meet up with Greg tonight. I began to apologize but Mark interrupted me.

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